Look how big they are! (c) magic-ays.com |
The Manpupuner Rock Formations (c) Creative Commons |
Meaning "little mountain of the gods" in the Mansai language, locals once believed the legend that the seven rock pillars were once giants who were turned to stone after gazing upon the holy Vogulsky mountains.
These towering monoliths are over 140 feet tall and are estimated to be 200 to 300 million years old. A mountain likely once stood in its place, but years of ice and rain erosion likely shaped the mountain into the pillars we see today. This is the most common theory on their creation.
Although these formations are unique, they are almost virtually unknown from outside of Russia and geography enthusiast circles, and little is known about their formation. One explanation is that it is extremely difficult to travel to the formation due to its remoteness. Even though they one of Russia's seven Wonders, more information has to be gathered on them.
Resources: http://www.amusingplanet.com/2010/05/mysterious-manpupuner-rock-formations.html
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